Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day Off

Today, I unloaded all my stuff, FINALLY. Then I visited with my family for a bit and came home to cook. I invited Ash and Joe over to eat because I was BBQing and we have a lot of polish sauage and squash. So as I am preparing the squash my neighbor comes over and gives us some red sweet corn from her garden, the perfect addition to my dinner plan. Ash comes over and Joe leaves to shoot something, we don't know what, and then commence BBQing, drinking, and
eating! Here is how it turned out:

Polish dog, sauerkraut, tomatoes (from the garden), + condiments on a toasted bun.

Red Sweet Corn + butter.

Yellow squash (fresh from the garden) + garlic butter balsamic vinegar.

Garden fresh tomatoes grilled in vinegar, garlic salt, and pepper.

Yellow squash grilled with peperoncini, pepper, butter, and garlic salt.

Me enjoying the red sweet corn!

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