Peelin' apples is not an easy task.
Yes, thats my dinosaur apron, its ok to be jealous.
Thats my little cousin Hailey Sue!
We are stirring.
Ash is rollin' out the dough. (you can be jealous of her apron too, its cupcakes and has pockets.)
I didn't know about this butter business until I looked at this picture...
Spidey pumpkin!
A witch pumpkin! and Batman puppy!
Perfection, we ate it with ice cream and caramel syrup!
Then my mothing treated us to a drink at Benny's...exciting times. We learned about my Grandpa and some members of my family. There was also a weirdish woman sitting at the bar that spoke to us as we ordered drinks. Also I would own a much cooler bar than any that are in this forsaken little town.
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