Thursday, February 11, 2010

CNA Test (Finally)

Well way back in January I had to go re-take my skills portion of my CNA test because I am an idiot that can (i repeat CAN) take blood pressure. So here are the picks from the party we had on the Thursday before (the test was on a Sat).

 This is the beer you get at pizza. 33.6 ounces of goodness.
 This is how you eat pizza with Uncle Franks hot sauce, the only way to eat pizza.
This is something Hiu tried to steal the night before, you don't get bar status like that ;).

This is me, Guam, and Jaret. We look happy, we must be drunk.


This is the beginning of an epic Street Fighter II parking lot fight. (China vs. Hawaii/America) She is blocking his attack.

Blanka Shock, Dhalsim yoga hands.

Dorothy vs China

Zen after the battle.

Amazing. Night. 

After all that we walked home from the pub to Hiu's. We stopped and drank V-8 and vodka (Gag - and I thought I was cut off vodka? wtf?). Oh and I passed my test.

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