Basically, when you are unsure about hanging out with people, it is probably because you are somewhat insecure about the conversation and whether you will have fun or not. Sometimes, there are people who I would love to reconnect with, but for whatever reason I choose not to hangout with them because of the first casualties of the conversation. This even applies to people in my family. It is hard to hang out with people when you know you will spend most of the conversation explaining: where you live, your job, school, relationships, goals, etc. But after you get past that first, "What the fuck have you been doing in your life?" You get to the real conversations, you get to the fun. This is why when I first meet people, mostly at bars, I choose to stay away from the mundane questions, such as:
"Where are you from?"
"Why are you out tonight?"
"What is your major?"
"Where do you go to school?"
"How old are you?"
"What is your name?"
"Does your face have something interesting to say?"
Recently I have been ignoring my friends, and it is really easy to do that because if they don't live here I don't see them that much, also if they do live here, I don't have time to go see them. And once you start not talking to your friends, it is hard to start talking to your friends. Dodging calls, not responding to texts, "FB wall? wtf is that, I didn't even know you got on this thing." Just kidding, but after reconnecting and getting over the, "what have you been doing?" You can get to the, "Is _____ the same in the _____ and the _____?" :)
lol! that is exactly why i don't keep in touch...<3