Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2nd

Today is the Vets' birthday. Happy birthday. Cheers, I wish I could be there and also can't wait to see you guys!!!

JP: my friends are always saying, "I want to meet this man, you always talk about this John Pham guy."

To which I reply, sadly, "Man? That sounds so weird, I mean everyone I know are boys and girls. To be a man you have to be (clenches fist toward chin and shows teeth), we aren't ladies, I mean we still have snacks, naps, and I make them all play with toys!"

Wah, I'm just a baby. The big Two-Five makes me feel like maybe it is time to grow up, but honestly I can't foresee that happening. I mean I just love toys way too much!

P.s. I have been called lady like ten times in the last two weeks by freakin' 80 year olds, and if I get called lady one more time I think I will snap. Seriously?! You are like a million years old and I am 24 why are you calling me lady? You crazy old psycho.

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