Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prom 2010

So, given my current job I am required to attend pretty much all school functions. At first I thought this was going to suck, but now that I know the students and am more involved, I really enjoying going to the events. We had Prom at the Niles Hotel, which is a historic landmark in Modoc County. The place is amazing and super old. I think that it has a lot of potential to become an awesome place, if someone was willing to invest the time and the money to make it happen. Needless to say anyplace that has history, ghosts, and reminds me of the early 1900's is alright in my books. Because of the location of Prom, I decided to dress to the location instead of to the theme, which was Grecian Gardens. So, here is my attempt at old school bartender (because I was chaperoning behind the bar, mixing non-alcoholic drinks for people with a student of mine):

That is a pretend pour by the way.

Here I am enjoying a wonderful Shirley Temple, of my own creating!

Down the bar...

Flowers left on the bar from a royalty member.

The last daiquiri of the night had to be a good one!

This is sort of what it looked like, I really enjoyed the decorations; it is amazing how much a few strands of Christmas lights will bring a place together!

I was bored the last hour of the dance, and exhausted the next two days, but I think this experience was well worth it!

P.S. Here is a picture I like of the lights all blurry!

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