Thursday, May 20, 2010

Open House

What was once a boring tour of the high school, is now a miniature children's fair high school style! I attended this event and I was a mad scientist! Muhahahaha!

As a mad scientist I amaze children!

I mix potions! (with the assistance of my lovely assistant!)

I look like I am talking into a microphone, yet I am really giving orders!

This is a spread of my jaw dropping amazement!

This is a freaking sweet foosball table one of the wood shop students made....beautiful. Too bad it wasn't finished, otherwise I would have beat some ass!

DUDE! BBQs!!!!!!

HAHAHAH, he is flipping you off! The kids doing, not mine!!! hahahaha.

Me in my class room showing a reaction! Acid and bases rule! (and they are pretty!!)

Modoc II to come later, stay tuned! :)

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