Monday, December 7, 2009

We're fucked.

So we are playing Crash 3 tonight and trying to beat some fucking levels and its hard as shitting hell. So we finally make it almost to the end when Ashlea dies and I am about to take the controller and we have a static reaction and shock the hell out of the controller and now it won't work. We have three controllers and a memory card and nothing will work. Ashlea is shocked that we shocked it to not work. And frankly so am I. WTF. Obviously the universe doesn't want us to play crash. Well guess what universe, fuck you too. Fuck you. And we aren't even watching Monday Night football. At least both the Dolphins and the Giants won yesterday Booya! Pats and Cowboys can suck it. Thats at least one good thing to come of this.

This is the face of disappointment.

This is the mess we made trying to get that damn thing to work....

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