Monday, January 11, 2010

Simply complex

So, no work today. That must mean that my Livescan hasn't come back yet. Blah. Perhaps tomorrow. I had a dream about a really cool house that I lived in. This thing was tight. I cannot tell you about it though, because then you might steal my ideas. Oh, I started writing all my dreams down in a journal (because I got 4 of them for Christmas, there is now one for every area of the house I go to, except the bathroom) that I leave next to my bed at night. Considering I wake up like 2-3 times throughout the night, I have a lot of dreams. So far since I started this, there hasn't been a dreamless night. Maybe I should do as my ancestors did and make a dream catcher, so at least all my dreams will be good ones.

On another note, Arrested Development is on hulu and I have been watching it everyday. That show was genius. When I am not working, doing my normal shenanigans, or watching AD this is what I do:

I have purchased this game and I have spend a little over an hour playing it. It is amazing, and you should buy it too! You can give any amount of donation you want until the 15th. I spent a dollar. $1 + free time = crayon physics! Here is a trailer.

Crayon Physics Deluxe from Petri Purho on Vimeo.

and here is the website:

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