Monday, May 31, 2010

New Websites

So, basically I am always behind the times, but(!) I learned about some new websites that you may be interested in or you may not. But I will be checking them out and letting you know about how the go and the cool things that I find in the process of searching. Here they are:

thats about all for now, later I have pictures of camping, gardening and chicken cooping!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I was a little disappointed with gLee this week. That makes me really sad because I love Gaga (we are on a first name basis). This was the best part though.

I could not find a video that showed the clip from the

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Open House

What was once a boring tour of the high school, is now a miniature children's fair high school style! I attended this event and I was a mad scientist! Muhahahaha!

As a mad scientist I amaze children!

I mix potions! (with the assistance of my lovely assistant!)

I look like I am talking into a microphone, yet I am really giving orders!

This is a spread of my jaw dropping amazement!

This is a freaking sweet foosball table one of the wood shop students made....beautiful. Too bad it wasn't finished, otherwise I would have beat some ass!

DUDE! BBQs!!!!!!

HAHAHAH, he is flipping you off! The kids doing, not mine!!! hahahaha.

Me in my class room showing a reaction! Acid and bases rule! (and they are pretty!!)

Modoc II to come later, stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prom 2010

So, given my current job I am required to attend pretty much all school functions. At first I thought this was going to suck, but now that I know the students and am more involved, I really enjoying going to the events. We had Prom at the Niles Hotel, which is a historic landmark in Modoc County. The place is amazing and super old. I think that it has a lot of potential to become an awesome place, if someone was willing to invest the time and the money to make it happen. Needless to say anyplace that has history, ghosts, and reminds me of the early 1900's is alright in my books. Because of the location of Prom, I decided to dress to the location instead of to the theme, which was Grecian Gardens. So, here is my attempt at old school bartender (because I was chaperoning behind the bar, mixing non-alcoholic drinks for people with a student of mine):

That is a pretend pour by the way.

Here I am enjoying a wonderful Shirley Temple, of my own creating!

Down the bar...

Flowers left on the bar from a royalty member.

The last daiquiri of the night had to be a good one!

This is sort of what it looked like, I really enjoyed the decorations; it is amazing how much a few strands of Christmas lights will bring a place together!

I was bored the last hour of the dance, and exhausted the next two days, but I think this experience was well worth it!

P.S. Here is a picture I like of the lights all blurry!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lady Gaga

So everyone already knows how obsessed I am with this song, since like Christmas:

So this is the conversation I just had with my mothing:

me: (listening to bad romance)
mothing: (♫ i want your loving.....♫)
me: o_O ????????
mothing: (walks away)
me: scoop, hold on i gotta check this out; mothing? how do you know lady gaga????
mothing: who is lady gaga?
me: you were just singing her!!!
mothing: maybe because I listen to 70's and 80's music?
me: baHAHAHAHAHAHaaaaaa, what? no! (walk away)

For every mystery, there is someone, somewhere, that knows the truth. Perhaps that someone is reading.'s YOU! If you have any information on this case, please write to us in the comment section...You need not give your name. Authorities need your help. This program is about unsolved mysteries. The re-enactments and special effects are actual eye-witness accounts. What you have read is not a news broadcast.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Call break it off.

I walked outside and this is what I discovered!

And somehow I found this in my things that came back from Davis, and since you can't buy these anywhere in Alturas, I found it amazing and special.

It's not blue ribbon for nothing.

It has been storming here lately, and one afternoon when I was working in Cedarville, I walked outside to "smoke" and this is what I saw. I don't know why but seriously, every time I sit out on this patio, I see the best views. I really love this field and the mountains and the sky is ALWAYS amazing. Plus, there is a lake with an ice chest full of beer and some fish to be caught out there(!) with a camp fire and camping to be done, but only with the honorary passing of the oyster can.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Modoc Rocks!

In class, I had my Earth Science students do a worksheet on a brochure called "Modoc Rocks!" Basically it was about all the geological hot spots in Modoc county, and since I will be here a little bit long and the weather was seemingly nice, I thought I would take a couple friends on the tour. Here is what happened. (Baby Kangaroo and Koala, both thought we would get stuck. Well, guess what, girls don't get stuck, because we aren't stupid!)

We stopped at a cemetery in Davis Creek, and I thought this tombstone was super cool with these flowers. That stop didn't last very long as it was balls cold out.

On the way to our first and second stop, we drove a long a dirt road, which turned to a muddy road, which then turned into a few feet of snow. Never having got to our first two spots (spots 2 and 3 because we actually skipped going to spot 1 - it was a resource office or something), we got out of the Jeep for a little nature time anyway. The Warner Mountains have a lot to offer.

Ash taking a picture of me taking her picture!

The view coming down the mountain was pretty sick as well.

On the way to spot 4 we saw a derailed train, that has been there for several years, but apparently it has been a long time since I have been on that highway and I thought it was the coolest thing since railed trains.

Spot 4 was Chimney rock, this picture is of the surrounding rocks.

At one time a cabin was built in to this rock, and it has all the names of the people who were traveling through at the time it was made.

Ash likes to climb.

This is a pretty sick pic, I think at least.

Sorry for the finger....but you get the point.

This was a really beautiful day!

I can't believe I was the only one without holes in my jeans. THAT never happens! I just noticed that everyone has the big hole on the left knee...that is totally the same in all my holey jeans! Weird.

I also forgot to wear my boots. I suck at this trip.

We found a bridge.

I just find this hilarious! Hahahaha, good one.

Then what happened to us, was a series of unfortunate events, like we ran into more snow and weren't able to get to like 7/10 places on the tour. Although, we didn't get to see the sites on the tour, we still saw a lot of cool things. Also, we made it out without injury and WE DIDN'T GET STUCK! Yay, us. But I guess it was a nice car ride, good thing my mom had tissue in the Jeep, because we had to pee in the woods several times. At least I got an ice cream!

When we got home Ash got a tattoo!!!!

I feel like if we go on this tour again when there is no snow and the roads are accessible, I will write more about how each spot was formed and crap like that so I feel like a real teacher. For being a teacher, I mostly just feel like I am the one that is learning. Perhaps if you view yourself as student of life, you will always have something to gain, and the more you experience the more you can teach.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Slacker McSlackson

So, as you might have noticed I have been slacking a lot on my blogging. I blame it on traveling, work, not sitting in front of the computer, and also that I have not had my laptop in a long time. Well, guess what ladies and gentlemen, I now have my computer back and I intend to make use of it. Starting tomorrow I am hoping to be back at my normal 3-4 blogs per week and also take you through the glorious process of moving/finding a job all while still maintaining the crazy things I do in the mean time. As for right now I am drawing and listening to records, so expect tomorrow's blog to be full of all things good and rocky! (Foreshadow, hint, hint, foreshadow...) Oh, and I am trying to convince my students to make a music video, so if you have a song suggestion, let's hear it!

P.S. A woman over the age of 60 called me "lady," I could be here granddaughter! LADY YOURSELF GRANDMA! Or if you must call me lady, at least call me "Lady Rara."